Digitales Meldewesen - CLOUD

Digital guest registration process in the EU countries



Filling out the registration forms is often considered a hassle by all parties involved (accommodations and guests), but it is absolutely necessary for two reasons:

Every single accommodation - whether a vacation room, vacation apartment, or hotel, and regardless of the size of the business - is required in Germany to issue a special registration certificate for each guest.

The implementation of the EU requirements is regulated separately in each member state.



Secondly, the guest registration system provides the commercial basis in many towns and regions for the registration of tourist tax by hotels and of vacation homes with the responsible municipality.

Since 2019, it is an effort of most European countries to facilitate and unify this process through digital processes for all parties involved.


CLOUD-Service for landlords and hotels:

The strict requirements of the registration authorities do not allow any mistakes in the application of the registration laws. Via our software, the data from the guests can be conveniently tracked in and archived. The CLOUD platform ensures a legally secure and GDPR-compliant handling of your guest data and a complete recording.

At the same time, offers every hotel or vacation apartment landlord a variety of tools so that the administrative work of registration does not place an additional burden on you. The integration of modern devices such as SmartPhones of the guests and/or a tablet at the reception are helpful hardware tools here to realize the digital registration comfortably for all parties involved. The following principles apply:

  • The data entry effort is shifted to the booking guest as far as possible!

  • The complete recording of the guest data should already take place before the arrival by the guest as with the flight check-in of the airlines to simplify the check-in process in the hotel.

  • The digital guest registration in the hotel or apartment should ideally be offered to the guest via a tablet (e.g. Apple iPad) or a similar mobile device. The guests' smartphones can also be used for this purpose.

The path of the guest data from the booking point until CHECK-IN and reporting for registration and tourist tax:


CM Studio .GRM-CLOUD - Org-Chart


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